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Metro Philharmonic Choir: Pro Gallery

1959 saw Singapore achieving self-governance and with it, the buildup of the nation's cultural and economic capital. To pursue their musical dreams, Mr. Leong Yoon Pin and a few friends founded the Metro Philharmonic Society. MPS shoulders the responsibility of building artistic culture, which involves classes to nurture singing talents and annual concerts to enrich the nation's artistic activities. Mr. Leong Yoon Pin was a bicultural scholar. In the 1960s, he collaborated with Dr. Soh Kay Cheng in the translation and production of Bedrich Smetana's The Bartered Bride and Pietro Mascagni' Cavalleria Rusticana in Chinese, which made a lasting impression in the local arts scene. In the 1970s, he performed the "Ode to Joy" in Ludwig van Beethoven' Symphony No. 9 and Franz Joseph Haydn's "The Seasons" in Victoria Concert Hall. To promote artistic performances, MPS often invites other performing arts group in collaborations that provide audiences with different audiovisual enjoyments. International groups and artists are also part of such collaborations, as MPS seeks to learn from these artists and to promote local compositions overseas. These international collaborations culminated in well received performances. In the 1980s, MPS invited renowned singers such as Peng Liyuan, Fu Zuguang, Sun Xiuwei, Yuan Chenye and Wu Jingyan for a concert in Singapore. The 1990s saw a special invitation of Chinese baritone Li Xinchang in a performance of Leong Yoon Pin's "The Giving Tree" Beyond local performances, the Metro Philharmonic Chorus has toured overseas. Regional involvements includes performances in Indonesia and Malaysia. Further ventures saw the choir participating in exchange programmes with institutions such as the Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Central Conservatory of Music, and the Art College of Shandong University, Weihai. 63 years since its founding, the Metro Philharmonic Chorus will continue in its mission to make beautiful music in a common voyage with other arts groups of our nation.

培养歌唱人材外,每年都举办一两场音乐会演出,丰富本国的文艺活动。梁荣平老师是一位学贯中西的学者,在60年代,便和苏启祯老师合作,完整的将西洋歌剧《卖新娘》 (The Bartered Bride)与《乡村骑士》 (Cavalleria Rusticana)的歌词译成中文并呈献给观众.在艺术界名气大噪.一时传为佳话!70年代又在维多利亚音乐厅演唱贝多芬《第九交响曲》中的《欢乐领》和海登的《四季大合唱》。为了推广艺术表演星市经常邀请其他表演艺术团体同台演出,让观众有不一样的视听享受。星市也曾邀请外国的艺术团体和歌唱家同台演出以学习别人的优点.同时也将我国音乐人的作品介绍到外国。80年代星市邀请彭丽媛,傅祖光,孙秀苇,袁晨野、吴静寅.等等知名歌唱家来新加坡开演唱会。1990年 特别邀请中国歌唱家黎信昌老师来我国助阵首演梁荣平老师的长篇合唱曲《大树头的话》。这些演出都获得很高的评价。星市合唱团也曾到东南亚周边的国家如印尼、马来西亚等国演出。也远到中国内蒙古呼和浩特市的内蒙古艺术学院,北京中央音乐学院和山东大学(威海)艺术学院做交流。星市合唱团成立至今已经有63年。星市将秉持一贯的理念与我国艺术团体携手并进,在音乐世界的长河中,谱出美丽的篇章。

Metro Philharmonic Choir: Welcome
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Ng Eng Kee


Ng Eng Kee received professional training successively as a baritone soloist, conductor and teacher. An accomplished vocalist is his own right, he has been featured in the Singapore Arts Festival and Singapore Festival of Asian Performing Arts. In the choral arena, he has directed the Nanyang Technological University Choir, International Festival Chorus (Singapore) and Hokkien Clan Association Choir.
In 1997, he was introduced to the Metro Philharmonic Society through its founder, Leong Yoon Pin who taught him composition and counterpoint. In 1998, Eng Kee formed the Metro Philharmonic Youth Choir, and subsequently led the youth choir to clinch a gold diploma in the 2006 Singapore Chinese Choral Festival. In 2016, he stepped up to become conductor of the Metro Philharmonic Chorus with the aim of championing choral music of Leong Yoon Pin. Besides Leong’s unaccompanied choral works, Eng Kee has prepared and conducted Leong’s extended choral compositions, including the Mountain Flute Choral Suite and Nine Cantos Cantata.
维多利亚音乐厅三楼有一展览室,其中陈列着 1960 年星市音乐会 成立之初举办的首个音乐会的资料。透过玻璃窗,看到泛黄的节目单和 照片,照片中的团员英姿飒爽,男生神采飞扬,女生青春靓丽。当年星 市合唱团在新加坡这片贫瘠的音乐土壤中起着播撒种子、培育英才的作 用。之后,我们多次回到这里演出,今晚我们又回来了。不过今晚的这 场音乐会别具意义,因为星市合唱团已经步入花甲之年,至今还能常年 出演,也算是大浪淘沙保留下来的精华。这要归功于团员的满腔热情, 还有对星市的忠诚,每周出席两次的排练,风雨无阻。合唱团规模日益 缩小,加上有好一些团员已经上了年纪,我们迫切需要新血加入,却又 招不到年轻的唱员。这是一个很现实的问题,对我们而言是严峻的考验 。 虽然前路崎岖,但是我们依然抱着正面的态度去克服各种困难,因为我 们相信柳暗花明又一村,事情总有解决的办法。
此次音乐会的重头戏是星市合唱团的创团作曲先驱梁荣平老师的长篇合唱曲《九歌》,这 也是我们第六次呈献这部作品。《九歌》描写的是神灵间的眷恋,并表现出深切的思念或所求未 遂的伤感,与我们熟悉的爱恨情仇并无差别。从音乐的角度,《九歌》反映了梁先生的音乐美学 思想,他通过西洋作曲技巧,结合他对中华文化的认知与热爱,谱写一共十一乐章的合唱套曲, 可说是一项浩大的工程。首先,梁先生需要花时间研究这篇楚辞的來龙去脈,并且仔细推敲其中 的音乐性,然后寻找适当的音乐语言来表现他心目中酝酿的《九歌》音乐。因其篇幅甚长,音乐 即要统一又要求变化,可想而知,那是多么艰巨的任务啊!这也充分显示出梁老师在作曲方面的 造诣和出众的才华。梁老师言谈举止温文尔雅,不浮夸,是名副其实的正人君子。他的内涵,还 有他在英、法留学所吸收的音乐养分,都在《九歌》的音乐中散发出来。
我们很荣幸邀请到喜耀文化学会、习唱堂和声乐联盟合唱团跟我们同台演唱《九歌》。这 对星市合唱团来说是一个难得的机会,一方面以歌会友,另一方面以联合演出的形式共同诠释音 乐经典。在此,预祝大家今晚有一个美好的音乐回忆之旅。
黄荣基是专业男中音、指挥兼音乐教师。他早年毕业于南洋艺术学院,随后负笈美国,考获 奥克拉荷马市大学一等荣誉学位(音乐)、休斯顿大学声乐表演硕士及合唱指挥硕士学位。
学成归来后,黄荣基致力于推动本地音乐活动。除了应邀参加新加坡艺术节和亚洲表演艺术 节等大型演出,他也曾担任国际节日合唱团的音乐总监、南洋理工大学合唱团指挥、新加坡福建 会馆合唱团指挥等。
黄荣基于 1997 年加入星市合唱团,并于次年成立星市青年合唱团,培养音乐接班人。青年团 于 2006 年“新加坡国际华文合唱节” 荣获金奖。2016 年,黄荣基接手星市合唱团指挥的任务,在 星市创办人梁荣平先生奠定的基础上,带领这个有 60 年历史的本地音乐团体,谱写新的乐章,再 创辉煌。

Chew Seoh Yan


Singapore born Chew Seoh Yan had Trinity performance and teaching diploma in piano.

A full-time piano instructor, Seoh Yan is also an active accompanist for solos, choirs and examinations. Currently the resident accompanist for a few local choirs, she had performed with the choirs locally and overseas to Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau.

周小燕小姐, 出生于新加坡,考获英国海外三一音乐学 院 演奏与教学文凭。

现为全职钢琴教师。除教学外,也积极参与各项音乐活动;经常在音乐会和音乐考试, 为声乐与乐器伴奏。她目前是好几个合唱团的钢琴伴奏。曾经跟随合唱团到北京,香

港,澳门参于 演出。

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Metro Philharmonic Choir: Team Members
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